New Poems
Colorado Review: "Bang," "Instead of a Gun," "Against Stillness," "Super Mario Bros."
The Florida Review: "I'm Secretly Rooting for the Transhumanists and Their Immortalist Ideology"
Salt Hill Journal: "No" and "Unreliable History"
The Shore: "Contrition: November"
Verse Daily: "Babel" (originally published in Ponder Review)
Ponder Review: "Babel"
Verse Daily: "Unreliable History" (originally published in Salt Hill Journal)
From Wolf Tours (Fulcrum Books, 2024)
The Georgia Review: "Wolf Tours Intake Q&A," "History of Wolves," "Wolf Tours Souvenirs," "The Wolves Speak to Us in a Dream," and "Wolf Tours FAQ"
Zone 3: "Gratuity Not Included"
Alaska Quarterly Review: "Epistemology of Wolves"
Western Humanities Review: "Wolf Tours Welcome Video," "Gift Shop," and "Mission Statement"
Diode: "Hunting Lesson" and "Day 7"
South Dakota Review: "Howling Lesson"
Mid-American Review: "Special Full Moon Excursion" (and commentary)
Moon City Review: "Official Statement on the Apocalyptic Summer Forest Fires
From Ardor (Gasher Press, 2023)
POETRY Magazine: "Recovery" and "Gardening"
Poets.org: "In the Middle of the Pandemic I Keep Typing Powerflu Instead of Powerful"
Poetry Daily: "Anatomy Exam" (originally published in The Southern Review)
The New Republic: "And Ode"
Willow Springs: "First Human Head Transplant"
Queer Nature: An Ecoqueer Poetry Anthology (Autumn House Press, 2022): "Conservation & Rehabilitation" (originally published in ZYZZYVA)
New South: "In the Middle of the Pandemic I Keep Typing Powerflu Instead of Powerful"
Verse Daily: "Alternate Telling of the Old Year"
The Account: "Lawn"
Another Chicago Magazine: "Incompleteness Theorem," "Rabbit Lake Trail," and "First of All"
PoetryNow podcast and Poetry Foundation website: "Quiescence"
Alaska Quarterly Review: "Floating Epithalamium"
Columbia Poetry Review: "I Begin and Begin"
The Greensboro Review: "Florida Epithalamium"
ZYZZYVA: "Conservation & Rehabilitation" and "Moose Are Over-Running the Park and This Makes Me Think of Love"
Alaska Quarterly Review: "Eclipse"
From Every Last Thing (The Word Works, forthcoming 2024)
The Cincinnati Review: "Artifacts"
Spoon River Review: "It's Been a Big Week"
Hobart: "Scare Tactics," "The Scariest Thing," "Why Is the Measure of Love Loss " "apology," and "Another of the Same"
Interim: "The Paradox of Self-Reference," "Activity Report," "The Lyric Address," and "A Pearl on Your Finger"
DREGINALD: "Offerings," "Conversation," and "Working"
Gigantic Sequins: "log"
Whiskey Island: "day i wanted only one thing" and "note pressed into my palm"
Nimrod: "list" and "measurements"
From Mega-City Redux (Green Mountains Review, 2017)
From Copper Mother (Switchback Books, 2016)
Denver Quarterly: "In Which Jane Tells Then-Jane the Fate of Their Beloved" and "Monologue of Then-Jane"
Hayden’s Ferry Review: "Jane and Then-Jane Speak of their Beloved"
Painted Bride Quarterly: "In Which Our Friends Hike the Long Trail," "In Which Our Friends Browse the New York Public Library," and "Golden Record: World Language Greetings"
Caketrain: "Golden Record: Sounds," "First Transcription of Our Friends," "Conversation: Future," "Golden Record: Outtakes," and "Golden Record: List of Names"
From Annotated Glass (Furniture Press Books, 2013)
Puerto Del Sol: "Alice at Home," "Alice Recalls Her First Meeting with Jenny," and "Alice Sketches"
The Portland Review: "Alice's Childhood" and "Alice Rides the Gravity Train"
Sentence: "Alice at the Intermission" and "Alice at the Cast Party"
Cold Mountain Review: "Alice Recalls Georgia to Her Beloved"
Gargoyle: "Alice in the First Act" and "Jenny's House Electrocutes Alice"
Bloom: "Alice's Evidence"
Birdfeast Magazine: "Alice Considers the Timing" and "Alice Orbits the Moon"
Lumina: "Alice at Work" and "Alice in Love"
Redactions: "Alice Learns to Throw Knives"
Kestrel: "Alice Writes Down Everything She Needs to Remember About Jenny" and "Alice in the Second Act"
Adanna: "After Jenny Asks Alice About Her Dead Sister" and "Alice in Georgialand"
Moria: "Primes," "Transitions," and "Pioneer"
Lavender Review: "Portrait Number Six" and "Stellar Era Ends"
Sweet: "Welcome Poem"
Alice Blue Review: "Kiss" and "Sharp & Shiny"
Minnesota Review: "Quantum Suicide"
North American Review: Review of Nina Lohman's The Body Alone
Green Linden Review: Review of Siwar Masannat's Cue
Poetry Daily: "What Sparks Poetry: On Keats's 'Bright Star'"
Ottawa Poetry Newsletter: "On Writing the West: The Lesbian Geological Erotic"
McSweeney's: "More Accurate Baby Shower Games," "Professor McGonagall's Letter to the Tenure Committee," and "The Best Alcoholic Beverages to Pair with Potty Training"